Friday, May 12, 2023


Five years ago I built a strawberry bed and added a trellis to hide the propane tank.  I also built a gazebo.  We were new to mesa living.  The reality of brutal wind storms hadn't came our way.  I thought it would be like living in a cozy neighborhood with fences and trees and houses to buffer the wind.  Nope.  2 years ago, such a fierce storm hit and picked up the gazebo and sent it tumbling across the yard, straight toward the house!  Mom and the cat were sitting at the dining room window and saw it flying toward them.  Thankfully it stopped within a foot of the house and didn't create more damage.  The trellis was also torn down.  

Last year I began to change the gazebo into a grape arbor.  This time it was set in concrete.  This year, I need to finish fixing it as the grapes are taking off.  I also figured out what to do with the trellis.  I'm in process of cleaning up a stone patio that the previous owners laid and will put my garden table and chairs on it.  The trellis would make a nice background.  I think I will put a raise bed around it and plant a climbing plant of some sort to fill in the lattice and eventually hide the hole that was made when it fell into the birdbath.

And there we go.  Turning a disasterous moment into beauty and something useful.