Sunday, May 15, 2022


This time of year, these cheery blossoms are a welcome treat for the honey bees and butterflies.  I share some with them and enjoy a few heads in my salads.  Once the flowers are done blooming, I snip bit from the stems to add to potato dishes.

They are great companion plants that help almost every other produce bearing plant grow well.  The ones that they should not be planted near are peas, beans, spinach, and asparagus.

Chives are eager to grow and self seed nicely.  This planter has had chives growing in it for about 25 years now.  It just keeps going.  Every few years I sprinkle in some vegetable fertilizer to give it a boost.

Powdery mildew is combatted with chive tea.  Just mix a handful of chopped chives with boiling water.  Cool and spray on infected leaves.

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