Sunday, May 15, 2022

Earwig Traps

Gardening season is in full force now.  Insect control is a reality.  Being one who prefers to use gentle, earth friendly methods for this as much as is possible, I was thrilled when I came upon this idea and it worked.

These are very simple and inexpensive traps to create and maintain. You need small inexpensive plastic containers with lids, a soldering iron, soy sauce and oil.
I like to use containers like this.
I then use a soldering iron to make 8 holes: two on each side near the top of the container.
Then I add 1 TBS each of soy sauce and oil
Put the lid on and place in the soil with the dirt coming near the holes but not covering them.
Check them daily at first and then spread out how often they are checked as the amounts of earwigs entering are diminished.  Empty them as often as you prefer and add more soy sauce and oil.

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