Thursday, May 19, 2022


Often confused with Mugwort. Wormwood is silvery green on both sides of the leaves, whereas Mugwort is only silvery green on the bottom of the leaves. 

As a companion plant, it is known to deter carrot flies, cabbage maggots and lopers, moths, and other garden pests, it will leave a bitter taste when grown with produces.  It is best to grow it near but not in food gardens or in containers.

It is also believed to deter mice.

It is a bitter herb containing absinthe and anabsinthin.  Though not a hallucinogen, it contains thujone, which is toxic and can be fatal taken in large doses. Traditionally, Romans soldiers would put some in their shoes to improve endurance. It is believed to reduce anxiety.  It is a uterine stimulant and not to be taken during pregnancy. It is known to stimulate gallbladder and digestive function.

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