Friday, July 22, 2022

Drying Herbs

I came in with a bit of an herb harvest today.  Some items are washed and ready for immediate use, some are frozen for medicinal use ( Chamomile and Lavender Head Pain Remedy  ), one is being dried in a colander ( Dried Lemon Thyme  ), and several are now hanging to dry or being turned into sun tea.  This post is about the ones that are hanging to dry.
I am currently drying, chamomile, chocolate mint and spearmint for tea as well as rosemary to add to an herb jar for use in the winter.

Seperate herbs. Lightly rinse and shake them. Seperate larger clumps into smaller groups so the centers can dry more easily.
Use garden twine to lightly tie bundles together.  They should be tight enough that the plants won't fall out but loose enough that air can circulate to dry them.
I like to hang mine from my curtain rod at alternating heights in an east facing window so they get morning sun.

After a week, check the bundles.  The leaves should be thoroughly dried before removing them from the stems and storing them in labeled glass jars for future use.

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